Note: For example did you know that in Europe their headphones have a lower volume than those sold in America. Do you realize how easily you are damaging your hearing, on a daily basis. We toy with a question in class if you had to give up one sense which one would it be? Do you now understand how easily you can be mislead by your sense.
Response: If I had to give up one sense it would probably be taste. I love food and the taste of them but i feel it would be the least impacting of all the senses to lose. My grandfather has lost nearly all of his smelling ability except for when sensing very extreme smells. This has a direct impact upon his ability to taste things and it does not really seem to bother him at all. We all know it does not bother my grandmother at all
When a person more fully understands the role of the senses upon the body it can also be used for witnessing opportunities. Many of my atheist peers will claim if they can detect something with their senses then they do not believe in it. This is a fairly simply argument to refute, as all the senses are easily fooled. One can use such examples as: optical illusions, thinking you hear someone say your name in a crowded room, etc. Then in such a witnessing opportunity one can flip the argument and ask how such a complex system of connected senses could be formed by chance.
I used to listen to my music on a very high volume and I believe my hearing is currently suffering from it. People tell me all the time that I did not hear something they said. It is true that we should aim to take care of our bodies and not do things we know are hurting it, but where do we draw that line? It is widely known that there is nothing good for us in soda. We know that most people sleep wrong, breathe wrong, exercise wrong, have babies wrongs, sit wrong, and yes even go to the bathroom wrong. So where do we draw the line as to "taking care of God's temple" ?