Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I wish...

I wish that people who do not act like Christ at all wouldn't claim to be Christian (translation: LITTLE-CHRISTS). It saddens me to see people act perfect in church and youth group but then see them acting like their unsaved friends around them. People who live that way are just bringing dishonor to Christ and real Christians. This is why we fail so horribly at bringing people to Christ. Non-Believers just say "well John Doe doesn't act any different than I do and he claims to be a Christian! Why should I change?". Multiple "Christian" peers of mine have said "God can wait; I don't want the girls at school to think I'm weird" or try pointing out other Christian's mistakes when confronted. Now let me clarify. I am not talking about the Christian who struggles in certain areas and gets into trouble with past sins when in bad company occasionally. I am talking about those who know what it truly means to be a christian and live the opposite but still call themselves Christians. People like this either need a permanent revival in their life or need to come to true knowledge of real salvation. Real salvation is relationship with Christ and a true desire to know Him better; true salvation is not some phony save-me-from-Hell magical prayer that you say once in your life and you're good to go. Sure, quite often a true Christian strays, doesn't live the right way or has a hard time in an area or subject, but I am sick of conscious two faced "Christians". I need prayer for patience with them but they need more prayer than I do. Pray for them that they will wake up or in some cases come to know Christ, but also pray that until then that they will stop calling themselves "Christians" and ruining the image of God. You can say I am judging but I am only elaborating on a biblical foundation... Matthew 23:25-26 -- "What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious laws and you pharisees. Hypocrites ! for you are so careful to clean the outside of the cup and the dish, but inside you are filthy - full of greed and self indulgence! You blind Pharisee! First wash the inside of the cup and the dish, then you will become clean too."

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