Sunday, October 14, 2012

General Psycology 7

Question: have you ever thought that addictions can be classically conditioned into our life?  Just how do you think that would occur?

Response: I had never thought about addictions in that way. When someone becomes an drug addict it is for the relief they get from each time they partake in the act. This ingrains into the person's mind that the two are connected. Drugs equal relief in their minds. This could also be why quitting addictions is so difficult. Instead of associating quitting with the benefits, they associate it with difficulty and sacrifice. If every time someone went to do the drug they got hit by a boxing mitt then I do not think that it would be so addicting haha. On the other hand, if every day a person went without the drug they were awarded with a check (of a substantial amount of money) then it would be much more easy to quit. The more that I think about it, the more it seems the two are connected. No doubt there are biological addictions to certain substances, but it would be interesting if there was a way to calculate what percentage of addictions are psychological.

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