Sunday, October 14, 2012

General Psychology 6

Question: After you have completed the Sleep IQ and the Sleep Deprivation quizzes. Discuss any questions you have about what you thought you knew about sleep, or what you think is still true after the quizzes.

Response: Currently I have definitely been sleep deprived.I answered “true” to far too many of the questions in the Sleep Deprivation Quiz. I believe this is primarily due to trying to get back into waking early for the school year and I have not adjusted my staying up late habits. I am definitely going to put some of the information that I have gathered from these readings to use. I am mostly confused as to number four on the Sleep IQ quiz: "At you move from early to later adulthood you need less sleep". I am told this was false, but the graph in the PowerPoint suggests otherwise. This seems to be a pretty consistent pattern in humanity; it always seems the people significantly older than me can sleep less. I was also wondering about number five: "By playing audiotapes during the night, you can learn while you sleep." Again I am told this was false but I have tried this before and it seemed to work... I am just wondering as to the science behind these. I learned a whole lot so far in our reading that I previously knew absolutely nothing about. I really enjoy learning about the sleep and dreams, and also plan on putting what I have learned to use.

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