Wednesday, September 5, 2012

BBC - General Psychology 1

Assignment: "Describe what comes to your mind when you think of the word "psychology".
                  Now give a solid definition of what psychology is and does that align with your presuppositions"  

Response: Personally when I hear the word "psychology" I automatically think of a deeply intelligent detective (like Sherlock Holmes or someone) who can interpret a person's actions and reactions in order to tell what is really going on in the person's mind or even play mind tricks with the person. Upon studying the subject I learned that my initial thoughts may be part of psychology, but psychology is much larger than that. Psychology is the study of behavior, the mind, and its mental processes. This science covers many departments of studies that all share the same goal. Some of these departments are: developmental psychology, social psychology, school psychology, educational psychology, and personality psychology. The main objective of psychology is to figure out why people do what they do. There are many different approaches to this as well. For example some psychologists will merely observe the person's behaviors and the environment within which they reside, while others search for answers within the genetic makeup of the person. Unfortunately, many people depend upon the study of the mind to fix their problems and make them happy. These people are mislead, and they do not know that true joy, hope and contentment only come through a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. The more I look into and study this science the more I learn that was missing from my original assumptions.

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